Sekar was a normal kid who grew up in Padappai, a small village on the outskirts of Chennai. He was in primary school when his life took a sudden turn. His father became very ill. The family spent all their savings paying medical bills, leaving them with almost nothing. This left Sekar struggling to continue his schooling but he did not give up.
Though the youngest among his siblings, Sekar had to take up the responsibility of taking care of the family. He started working several menial jobs on the side to sustain the needs of his family.
Now in Class 10, and having tried his hands at various skills, Sekar discovered his passion for cooking. Whenever he found some extra time, he would read his favorite cookbook called “Kitchen Stories” which he always carried with him.
He worked tirelessly to find opportunities to fuel his new found passion and to see his dream come true. His efforts paid off when a catering institute offered him admission into a Diploma in Hotel Management. He opted “Kitchen” and specialized in “Chinese Cuisine”. Naturally a studious kid, Sekar did not miss opportunities to train with some of the best hotels in Chennai.
As soon as he got out of College, he joined a Star Rated hotel. A gifted observer, he incorporated a variety of techniques by picking up tips from cookbooks and cooking shows on YouTube and he won the hearts of the staff with his charm and especially with his skillful hand with cooking Chinese dishes.
In 2020, when Sekar began to think that life was finally turning in his favour, COVID 19 pandemic stuck and threw hotels and restaurants out of business. He was thrown out of his job and his career came to a grinding halt. For the past year or so, he’s been back trying to survive by doing odd jobs. He’s back to where he began.
We at Potter’s Hand have known Sekar for a while now and we don’t want his talent to be wasted or his passion to die down. We are planning to help him set up a juice parlour and cloud kitchen that can home deliver food. He can also set up his business on Swiggy and Zomato. Sekar has identified a shop and is busy setting up his business but way short of the funds to go live.
Sekar’s future is in your hands. Life’s been a struggle since he was a child.
Don’t let his prime years be wasted!
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Very nice story. Hope he finds a right place for his kitchen
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