Mainstreaming Youth through Football

Why football?

This opportunity is provided to students who cannot go further level in their education independently due to lack of interest. We were brought to notice of dropout children and we decided to give them extra care in skill development. We found out that football may change their lives.

The basic goal of this foot ball is to support dropout children in order to break the poverty and help them to be self dependent individuals throughout their life. Also to make them stay with the community with dignity. Foot ball will make them a better person we support all children despite their religion, race, caste, ethnic background.  


Program Description:

This program was created to bring hope in school dropout’s children who go astray with various habits and have serious educational deficiencies that severely limit their economic and social well being throughout their lives. Potters Hand takes full responsibility of underground work of children. We make sure that the dropout children gain a skill.


Team formation:  

One of the coaches approached to help these kids to get skill training in football.  He used government playground to train them. It was not a easy task, but the outcome was awesome.


We need your support so these children's smiles won't stop!

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