Project CARE - Child Aid and Right to Education



 The Problem : Poverty multiplies poverty

 About 7 percent or 98 Million people in India are stricken by extreme poverty (Unable to have 2 meals a day) and they can never be able to escape out of poverty. Forget escaping they are sucked into the deeper debt and more poverty. “Poverty alleviation” still seems a distant dream for millions of Indians even in the Information Age. This is the situation even while both father and mother are living. You can imagine if on or both the parents die and it’s tragic when they die by suicide or in an accident.

There are many children who fully or partially orphaned in Karasangal village in Kanchipuram district. Their plight is heart-breaking.


The Solution : Support and Education through Project CARE     

Potter’s Hand Trust through its Project CARE plans to take care of the basic needs and the fundamental rights of every child, with a focus on Education and those studying in government schools.

Support us by choosing at least one child from the below list. All it takes is Rs.800 per month per child.



(Click on the image of a Not Sponsored Child)


Status: Sponsored


Status: Not Sponsored


Status: Not Sponsored


Status: Sponsored


Status: Not Sponsored


Status: Not Sponsored


Status: Not Sponsored


Status: Not Sponsored


Status: Not Sponsored


Status: Not Sponsored


We need to Act now!

Yes. I want to sponsor a child's education @ Rs.800 per month

1. Bank account:
A/c Name: Potter's Hand
Account No.:078410100026883
IFSC Code: UBIN0807842
Bank: Union Bank
Branch: Chetpet
Type: Savings


2. Google Pay Number: 7010 979 325


3. Payment gateway Link: I want to give Rs.800 
4. Scan and Pay


Note: Clicking link opens payment gateway site. 


For more information call or Whatsapp on +91 861 0011 675.