What's in a Name?

We started the "After School" program in July 2018 at Manimangalam Village near Kanchipuram.

One of the children who joined, was a 9 year girl called "Vendaam". Vendaam in Tamil literally means "We don't want" or "Unwanted". We were shocked knowing that her parents were able to name their child with such a name. It was not her pet name or nick name. She was named so because she was the fifth girl child and one the parents did not want.

"Vendaam" was her real name. Her classmates and friends would bully her because of her name. Her name made a fool of the child and was a perfect snare to set her up for social handicap. She couldn't stand the embarrassment she faced. Oh! How she longed for a regular name just like the other children, because of the embarrassment she faced.

After an intervention, her parents were convinced on the long term negative effects of their child having such a name.The child requested if she could change her name to “Grace”. As per her request she is renamed as "Grace".

She is now a happy soul with a beautiful name, just like any other child, just like you and me. She now leads a normal life and we are happy that she does not have to face the daily bullies and embarrassment anymore.

What's in a name they ask? Grace will tell you otherwise; sometimes a name is all that matters.


Would you like more such children get help? Make a decision to support our After School Program (ASP) with a monthly contribution today!   

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About Us: Potters Hand is a Registered Trust that works among the poor and underprivileged in the rural areas. Founded in 2013, Potters Hand has touched the live of a few hundred children through its After-school Program (ASP) aimed at providing a strong fundametal education to children.We also work to empower women and children by training them in self-defense and provide medical aid to elders in early detection and to avoid chronic diseases, A legal aid cell is being currently set up.

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