
Her story resembles a movie. Shweta (name changed) lost her mother when she was 5. Her father remarried and had a son from the second marraige. As the story goes the step-mother loved her own son and started dispising Shweta. AS she grew up, Shweta started losing her dignity and self-worth. Her self-esteem hit rock bottom. Her dark complexon only added to her problems and the family as well as other would bully her because of her skin color.

It is a mystery on how she joined our After-school program (ASP). She used to be a shy and timid child. But with the efforts of our ASP teachers and encouragement, Shweta started feeling wanted and the friendly nature of the students and teachers at the Potter's Hand's After-school program, helped her develop greater self-esteem, love and affection.

She has now overcome her fears and started loving herself. Potter's Hand's intervention with the family has helped in they accepting her as a daughter. Shweta now lives a almost normal life like any other child. Along with the other children She learns to dream about what she wants to become when she grows up.

Would you like more such children get help like Shweta? Make a decision to support our After School Program (ASP) with a monthly contribution today!

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About Us: Potters Hand is a Registered Trust that works among the poor and underprivileged in the rural areas. Founded in 2013, Potter's Hand has touched the live of a few hundred children through its After-school Program (ASP) aimed at providing a strong fundametal education to children.We also work to empower women and children by training them in self-defense and provide medical aid to elders in early detection and to avoid chronic diseases, A legal aid cell is being currently set up.




Woman photo created by jcomp - ww 


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